Hair Los Treatment

Hair loss is quite common in today’s day and age. Most prevalent in older adults, even younger individuals might face hair loss. At our clinic, we offer you the best hair fall treatment which is best suited for your hair type and hair loss patterns.

A typical individual loses around 100 strands of hair per day which is considered to be a normal amount even though it sounds quite alarming. Your head has more than 1,00,000 hair on it so losing such an amount of hair is barely noticeable. New hair normally replaces the lost hair, but this doesn’t always happen.

Hair loss may occur suddenly or over a period of time and it might simply affect your scalp or your whole body. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent depending on the underlying causes.

Effective treatments for hair loss are available based on the type and degree of hair loss you are facing. These treatments might help you to reverse hair loss, or at least slow it. With some conditions, hair might grow back over a period of time with medication and prescription drugs, whereas, some conditions might require some more extensive treatments.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which treatment is best for hair fall? 

The board-certified dermatologists at our clinic do a thorough diagnosis of every patient and determine which is the hair fall treatment for them.

How much does it cost to get hair loss treatment?

The cost of hair loss treatment varies from person to person depending on the severity of the situation and the treatment recommended to you by our doctors.

Are hair loss treatments safe?

Most hair loss treatments are non-invasive and have no side effects.

Why do I lose hair so much?

Losing 100 strands of hair a day is normal but if a person is losing more, there are various factors that contribute to their hair fall. It can be due to hormonal issues, lack of important nutrients or some underlying diseases. Ageing and heredity also contribute to hair loss.

What can a dermatologist do for hair loss?

Our experienced dermatologists analyse every aspect of a patient’s problem and after a detailed consultation session, they will prescribe the best hair regrowth treatment suited for the patient’s scalp, so one can restore their hair growth and go back to flaunting your long and healthy hair in no time.

Can lost hair grow back?

There are multiple hair follicles on the scalp. If the follicle remains intact, then yes, the hair can grow back but if the hair follicle has closed, scarred or disappeared, then new hair might not be able to grow.

Does a laser grow hair?

Low-level laser therapy has proved to be safe and effective for hair regrowth in both men and women. It is a non-invasive and pain-free treatment option that increases hair strength with zero side effects.